Non-deductible business expenses are activities you or your employees pay for that do not fulfil the conditions above. This includes personal expenses such as travel or entertainment not related to the running of the business, and capital expenses such as expenses incurred to incorporate a company and purchase of fixed assets.
Bad debts (non-trade debtors)
Certificate of entitlement (COE) for motor vehicles*
CPF-related -Voluntary contributions to CPF (refers to CPF contributions exceeding the statutory rate)
Depreciation (you may instead claim capital allowances )
Entrance fee (country club or other clubs)
Exchange loss (non-trade or capital in nature)
Fixed assets written off
Fixed assets acquisition cost (you may instead claim capital allowances )
Goodwill payment
Singapore income tax and any tax on income in country outside Singapore
Installation of fixed assets
Interest expenses on non-income producing assets ( interest adjustment)
Legal and professional fees (non-trade or capital transactions)
Medical expenses (amount exceeding 1%/ 2% of total remuneration if company is under PMBS or TMIS)
Motor vehicle expenses (S-plated and RU-plated cars)
Prepaid expenses (not relating to the relevant basis period)
Private and domestic expenses (expenses not incurred for business purpose)
Provision for bad and doubtful debts (general)(note impairment loss on trade debts)
Provision for obsolete stocks (general)
Renovation or refurbishment works (you may claim Section 14Q deduction for qualifying expenditure incurred from 16 Feb 2008)
Retrenchment payments - Ex-gratia retrenchment payments and outplacement support costs, where there is a complete cessation of business.
Withholding tax on the interest payments borne by companies on-behalf of non-residents